Sleeve Gastrectomy

Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery is performed to reduce the size of the stomach to almost 15% of its actual size. This weight - loss procedure removes a greater portion of the stomach along the curvature line, and what stay s behind is a sleeve like stomach structure that enables reduction in food consumption and food cravings in patients. Other than this, Sleeve Gastrectomy procedure helps change hormonal signals between the liver, stomach and brain, thus promoting weight loss. A sleeve - like p o uch that is left behind can hold only 5 ounces , which is the size of a banana. 

Destination & Price

  • Dubai

    AED 33000 Onwards

  • India

    $ 6375 Onwards

  • Thailand

    THB 784000 Onwards

Time Required

15 days


Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery is performed to reduce the size of the stomach to almost 15% of its actual size. This weight - loss procedure removes a greater portion of the stomach along the curvature line, and what stay s behind is a sleeve like stomach structure that enables reduction in food consumption and food cravings in patients. Other than this, Sleeve Gastrectomy procedure helps change hormonal signals between the liver, stomach and brain, thus promoting weight loss.

A sleeve - like p o uch that is left behind can hold only 5 ounces , which is the size of a banana. Hence, creating restriction on food intake leads to fewer calorie s absorption in the patient’s body. It is due to this reason that patients start feeling improvement in their overall health with enhanced metabolic syndrome.

The many health benefits of Sleeve Gastrectomy include improvements in sleep apnea, high blood pressure, joint pain, hyperlipidemia, physical activity, productivity and much more. Minimally invasive procedure for Sleeve Gastrectomy ensures shorter stay in the hospital . This leads to speedy recovery of Sleeve Gastrectomy and return to work in a few days.

The biggest advantage of Sleeve Gastrectomy procedure is that the results are long lasting and there is no requirement of further surgeries like gastric banding. Since the hormones and digestive organs undergo significant changes post surgery, the result of weight loss is remarkable.

Before the Treatment

Before treatment of Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery, patients are advised to take c are of the following:

  • They should include protein rich ingredients in their liquid diet, such as broths, soups, milk, clear jell - o sugar - free, etc.
  • Two week before the surgery, patients should start preparing their body by taking all - liquid diet. Howeve r, it is important to consult with the doctor to know what would be a suitable diet . After all, the process will help shrink the liver, making it easy for the surgery.
  • One should s top smoking at least a month before Sleeve Gastrectomy . This ensures speed y recovery post surgery and lesser risks of surgery - related complications. Buy loose clothing that will help you feel comfortable despite suffering from soreness and pain after surgery.
  • Do not your insurance before the surgery. If you r surgery is covered by any insurance, it will be financially beneficial to you later. For this, complete all paperwork and get them approved prior to the surgery.
  • Be aware of the facts, what the surgery entails and how to deal with the surgery. Talking with the doct or regarding every minute detail of the surgery will reduce all associated anxiety and fear. There will be lesser doubts and concerns revolving the surgery.
  • Before the surgery, patients undergo weight measuring routine. Those having higher body mass inde x as decided by doctors are the best candidates for Sleeve Gastrectomy .

How it is performed?

The answer to the most important question - how Sleeve Gastrectomy is performed , will help you understand the procedure in details. It is performed as a laparosc opic procedure under which five to six small incisions are done in the patient’s lower abdomen. It may also be performed in combination with Gastric Bypass surgery.

Under lapascopic procedure,  a lapascope (video camera) is used along with a few long inst ruments that are inserted through the incisions during the surgery. During the procedure, almost 75% of the stomach is removed along the curvature of the stomach. What remains is a sleeve like stomach which looks like a tube. The total time for Sleeve Gastrectomy is one to two hours.

It is a restrictive procedure and the procedure helps to reduce the stomach size, thus limiting food consumption. Like some of the other weight loss procedure s , it does not reduce nutrient absorption or even bypass your intest ines. Therefore, after eating little amount of food, the patient feels full for up to several hours, which eventually curbs calorie intake. In addition, Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery helps reduce production of hunger hormones, thus enabling in weight loss successfully.

Sometimes, doctors decide to follow a two - stage approach for weight loss in patients. While Sleeve Gastrectomy is performed in the first stage, the second stage which is Gastric Bypass is done 12 to 18 months after remarkable weight loss in patients. It has been evaluated that the risk s of anaesthesia is comparatively lower and the patient is in the right condition to undergo the second stage of the surgery. Although, it involves two procedures, the entire oper ation is highly effective and safe.

The benefits of laparoscopic Sleeve gastrectomy are visible in the first year of the surgery. Patients tend to lose 40% to 70% excess weight within 12 months of the surgery. Other obesity - related issues like hypertensi on, diabetes, abnormal cholesterol and obstructive sleep apnea get cured in almost 75% of patients. Therefore, patients experience dramatic changes to their physical appearance and health conditions in the first year.


Post surgery, patients are discharged within one to two days. The recovery time of laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy is very quick, but it may differ from patient to patient and the type of work they do for a living. While a person may return to work within one to three weeks if he is involved in lesser physical acti viti es at his job site, the second person may require more time to heal if his job demands rigorous physical efforts.

Patients are restricted from carrying any heavy lifting job for four to six w eeks post surgery. A dedicated team of experts, including nutritionist, psychiatrist and doctors are assigned to look after the patient, every time he/she visits the clinic. It is to ensure that the patient is doing fine after the surgery.

For the first t wo weeks of surgery, patients are advised to have clear liquid diet. On reaching six months of the surgery, patients are shifted to a maintenance diet, which they will have to follow for the rest of their lives. Rest assure d, patients experience 60% loss i n body weight within the first two years of the surgery.