Lap Pyeloplasty is a minimally invasive procedure to correct blockages in the narrowing part of the ureter that connects to the kidney. The condition causes sluggish drainage of urine, thus leading to pain, infections and kidney stones. Since it is a laparoscopic Pyeloplasty procedure, it is much safer and effective than an open surgical technique.
1 week
Lap Pyeloplasty is a minimally invasive procedure that offers the safest and most effective reconstructive surgery for correcting any narrowing or blockage of the ureter. Any kind of obstruction caused at this point is called ureteroplevic junction (UPJ) that results into sluggish and poor drainage of urine from the kidney.
The symptoms of UPJ obstruction include flank pain, high blood pressure, stones, infection, deterioration of kidney function, etc. Compared to any traditional open surgery, laparoscopic pyeloplasty is a widely preferred treatment due to its less-operative pain and quicker recovery. Other advantages of lap pyeloplasty include:
Before getting into the details of the procedure, there are certain associated risks and complications that you should be aware of. They include bleeding, infections, possibilities of hernia, organ injuries, etc. However, the risks can be minimized by awareness, right medications, careful operation techniques and so on. Before you prepare for lap pyeloplasty, here are a few advices for you.
Lap pyeloplasty operation takes 3-4 hours to perform.
After the operation, you are taken to the recovery room. You may have to stay one or two days in the hospital after the surgery. During your stay in the hospital, you will receive liquid diet through an intravenous catheter into your vein. Most patients are able to have small sips of water and regular food after a day or two after the surgery.
Postoperative pain is normal, but it can be taken care of by pain killers. It is also normal to feel nauseated and fatigue after the surgery. Expect a drainage tube connected to your bladder for a few days post surgery. Do not worry if you see blood in your urine. After 4-5 days, you will have to visit the doctor’s chamber to get the drain tube remove. The doctor will check if you are able to pass urine normally.
After you return home, you are supposed to take walks in between sitting and resting. You can take a shower after returning from the hospital since your wound sites will get dry immediately after showering. Follow-up appointments are required to give update about your recovery from lap pyeloplasty to your doctor. The stent left inside the abdomen is removed after a month.