IVF/ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)

The procedure helps to treat sperm-related problems. ICSI assisted IVF increases the fertilization phase in IVF. During ICSI procedure, a sperm is injected into a mature egg and after the egg is fertilized, it is placed in the woman’s uterus. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, so the patient is discharged on the same day.

Destination & Price

  • India

    $ 3300 Onwards

  • Thailand

    THB 93000 Onwards

Time Required

45-60 Days


IVF plus ICSI is an effective treatment for male infertility. ICSI or intracytoplasmic sperm injection is a treatment used for injecting a sperm into a matured egg. This leads to fertilization in most of the cases where the cultured embryo is placed in the woman’s uterus.

ICSI offers an effective method of helping a woman conceive. Severe cases of male infertility are best treated with ICSI procedure. The success rate of ICSI fertilization is about 70-85%. Studies show that the success rate of IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) with ICSI is comparatively higher than IVF treatment without ICSI.

It should be noted that ICSI with IVF procedure success rate depends upon several factors- the analysis of individual cases, the expertise with which the procedure is performed, the ICSI technique used, the egg quality, and the embryo transfer process followed by the physician.

Advanced micromanipulation equipment and tools are used along with inverted microscopes to pick a healthy individual sperm with the help of an ICSI needle. Once, the sperm is taken in the needle, it is carefully injected through the outer shell of the egg into the cytoplasm (inner part).

The medical conditions and reasons for ICSI treatment are:

  • Couples having infertility issues, especially in cases of low sperm motility, less sperm concentrations and poor sperm morphology.
  • Acute cases of male infertility
  • Lower percentage of fertilization or no fertilization with IVF
  • When couples suffer from low yield of eggs

Before the Treatment

  • Before IVF and ICSI treatment, the woman is given fertility drugs to stimulate her ovaries and promote the development of follicles containing eggs in them. The doctor then retrieves matured ova from her for the ICSI procedure.
  • The next step is sperm selection in which the doctors use a technique called ‘’Sperm Slow’’ that binds sperm to hyaluronan present in the device. More likely, the sperm that have normal DNA are selected.
  • The abovementioned sperm collection technique may not work for all men. In that case, an alternate option is used to harvest the sperm after retrieving it from the man’s testicles through a method called ‘testicular biopsy’.
  • The woman is asked to stop smoking or drinking alcohol for days before the ICSI treatment.
  • Doctors suggest the woman to have lots of proteins that will help her ovulate. An adequate diet is essential that includes lots of vegetables, chicken and lentils. If the doctor recommends, she must have protein powder for some time.

How it is performed

IVF and ICSI is performed successfully through insemination and embryo transfer procedure.

  • After collecting eggs and sperm from the couple, or by using donor sperm, the embryologist selects the most matured sperm and injects it to a single matured egg. It takes several hours to a day for the insemination process. After the embryo is grown for 2-5 days, it is transferred to the woman’s womb.
  • First, the embryo is placed in a catheter, which is inserted through the female vagina and cervix into the uterus. During the procedure, the woman lies on her back awake.
  • The embryo is gently released that gets attached to the inner lining of the uterus where it grows into a baby. Only one embryo is released at a time.
  • However, the best quality embryos are sometimes stored and frozen for the later subsequent cycles, if the first cycle doesn’t work.
  • The woman is then transferred to the recovery room where she takes rest for a few hours before being released.


The recovery of IVF and ICSI is short that takes a couple of hours to the maximum. However, there are certain restrictions to be followed since the woman may feel certain degree of pain and cramping in the abdomen after the embryo is placed in her womb. During nine months of pregnancy, the woman may, however, suffer bouts of depressions that can be controlled with medicines or consultation with your doctor and your partner.