Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a dental restoration that completely encircles and caps a tooth, changing its shape and size. Unlike dentures that can be taken out of the mouth and cleaned, a dental crown is permanently cemented onto the tooth to improve your facial appearance. Once a crown is cemented into its place, it fully encases all visible portions of your tooth above the gum line.

Destination & Price

  • Dubai

    AED 17000 Onwards

  • Thailand

    THB 17000 Onwards

Time Required

1 week


A dental crown is a dental restoration that completely encircles and caps a tooth, changing its shape and size. Unlike dentures that can be taken out of the mouth and cleaned, a dental crown is permanently cemented onto the tooth to improve your facial appearance. Once a crown is cemented into its place, it fully encases all visible portions of your tooth above the gum line.

Reasons for getting a dental crown include:

  • Strengthening a tooth from cracking or breaking
  • Retaining the position of a dental bridge
  • Covering a dental implant
  • Covering severely discoloured and mis-shaped tooth
  • Restoring broken tooth that have worn down
  • Using filling to cover and a support your tooth when part of it has worn out
  • Protecting the tooth/teeth of a child which is at higher risk of tooth decay. This happens usually when a child fails to maintain proper oral hygiene.
  • When a tooth is badly damaged and cannot support a filling, it can only be saved with an artificial crown.

There are several types of dental crowns available. The patient consults with the doctor and decides which type of dental crown is best suitable for him/her.

Porcelain fused crowns to metal- Unlike regular porcelains, this type of crown attached to a metal structure provides a very strong bond. Porcelain fused crowns to a metal structure is extremely durable.

Ceramic- Ceramic is popular for its ability to blend perfectly with your natural teeth colour. Used for restoration purpose, ceramic crowns are made out of porcelain-based material.

Base metal alloys- These types of crowns are extremely durable, strong and have great resistant power to corrosion. Besides, it does require removing the slightest amount of healthy tooth for crowning with metal alloys.

Gold alloys- A combination of copper, gold and other metals are used for creating the crown. As a result, the crowns provide a strong bond to the teeth, does not wear or even fracture.

Needless to say, dental crowns ensure natural and healthy looking tooth that can carry normal chewing and biting forces like your regular teeth. Before dental crowning, there are few preparations to be taken.

Before the Treatment

The preparation process of a dental crown requires the patient to make two trips to the dental clinic. The first visit involves examining your tooth, while the second step includes placement of the crown. During the period between the two visits, your doctor prepares the crown.

Let’s see the preparations to be taken in the initial appointment:

  • Your doctor does X-rays of your teeth. He specifically examines the root of the tooth for any risk of infection or decay.
  • Next, he applies local anaesthesia on the tooth and the surrounding gum that needs crowning. In some time, the area becomes numb.
  • A certain amount of the tooth is trimmed by the doctor to make space for the crown. In case of porcelain crown, the dentist shaves sufficient ceramic thickness to create life-like translucent crown. For all types of crowns, about a sixteenth of an inch is removed from the surface of the tooth. During the trimming process, the doctor removes any decays or filling materials surrounding the tooth. Then, he creates filling of the tooth to make provision for crowning. After the tooth is reshaped and readied, the dentist takes an impression of the tooth with putty or paste.
  • The dentist uses the impression to re-create a model of the crown. Meantime, he places a temporary crown into the mouth of the patient to protect your natural teeth. It takes 2-3 weeks to prepare a crown for the tooth.

How it is performed

The final appointment determines how dental crown is performed. Once the dental crown is fabricated in a laboratory, it is cemented into the place in the final appointment.

  • Local anaesthesia is administered on the tooth and gum. Getting the crown is a painless procedure.
  • The dentist removes the temporary crown from the patient’s mouth. He clears any remnants or debris in the area. Before the doctor places the crown, he does some evaluations to check if the crown fits well and looks perfect.
  • He seats the crown on the tooth with a dental tool or by using dental floss. He may ask you to bite gently to check if the tooth is functioning properly. He adjusts and places the crown for several times until he is satisfied with the fit.
  • He checks your appearance after the crown is placed. Once the crown is cemented, no other changes can be made with regards to colour and shape of the tooth.


For up to 2-3 hours after the procedure of dental crown, you may experience numbness in the mouth. Once the feeling of numbness wears off, you may feel a little soreness and sensitivity in the jaw and face. You should avoid having cold or hot foods or any hard food.

Patients should chew on the other side of the mouth where the crown is placed. Thus, practising this procedure for three to four days ensures sufficient time for the crown tooth and the surrounding gum to health. Any lingering tooth sensitivity disappears in a week of the procedure.